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Adresă: 077040 București, STRADA DIVERTISMENTULUI NR 1

Site web:  www.amcorp.ro

Număr de telefon:  +40 72 759 0830  +40 73 400 0251 

Danubius Enterprises SRL. Is a large property Investor and Developer, stablish in Bucharest Romania since 2005, DE was founded to acquire, develop and manage dominant real state projects in the region. The group is divide in 4 especial project subsidiaries with a exceptional property portfolio and development pipeline in Romania and is progressing with the expansion program in other target segments. The group actually manage a combine of properties and holding as well a group of management affiliates companies from retail, leisure, residential, farming, industrial and combine projects. The investment strategy is based towards long term investment and the main target is the full completion of all the projects proposed



+40 72 759 0830

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